Friday, January 2, 2009

Time for an Intervention

I seem to be having a difficult time quitting the "daily margarita" when it's -25 and dark outside. With some "encouragement" from Angel, I drew myself out of my "depressed" state today, and completed a few home projects. We've heard from the rest of the Mexico crew. Everyone made it home fine. They're back at it, just like us. I believe everyone is suffering from "withdrawal". We had bunches of fun this past month; now it's back to reality. In a week, I'll head to Anaktuvuk Pass, Kaktovik, and other remote northern Alaska villages until the second week of February. There will be no Jose Cuervo. The villages are "dry". I guess this is a natural consequence for "too much fun" in December ... and a timely intervention. The "Stars" pay for rehab at five star resorts. Matt gets "freehab" at forty below. Both methods are effective. I've posted a few shots of Hatcher Pass Lodge, the frozen Little Su, and the ingredients I use for Marco's Margarita. Damn, it's cold!

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