Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mt. Redoubt Volcano Activity

I was scheduled to fly out to Tuluksak on Monday, but my flight was canceled due to the eruption of Mt. Redoubt. The mountain blew again this morning about 8:30 sending ash to the 30,000 foot level. Anchorage and the Valley may receive some ash fall, dependent upon the winds. The volcano presents little danger, but the ash is a health hazard and is problematic for airplane and auto engines, as it is highly abrasive. You can check out the volcano action by going to The photos today are just for fun. Have a wonderful day! Update!!!! A second eruption has occured, and ash fall is expected on the Kenai Peninsula within a few hours. We will likely get a "dusting" late this afternoon. 65,ooo feet is approximately the same level as the Mt. St. Helen's eruption, so this is a big one.

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